I have chosen Raphael and the painting of " The School of Athens, painted in 1510- 1511. My selection was based on that I was fortunate to see the exhibit at the Museum of Fine Art here in Reno a few months ago. I was amazed at the detail and composition and could see similarities in style texture and structure. Raphael was notorious for having secrets untold about the nature and reasoning behind many of his works. Most of his paintings are majestic and during the height of the Renaissance period. Religion and politics where at odds and being defined and governed by the Catholic Church. The painting resembles style of the painting "Last Supper by Michael Angelo only in his painting he has Plato and Aristotle as the center point of the painting.
Grand in style color and size it appeared that he was directed in what he could represent and what he felt was truth. I believe that he was torn within his work not always being able to represent what he felt personally to be his spirituality.
I wonder if why he has self painted himself in the forefront as bruiting or distraught over how he was influenced in what he is able to paint.
About The Artist : Raphael
Born April 6, 1483, Urbino, Italy whos father was Giovanni Santi, painter at the court of Federigo Montefeltro, who first taught him the elements of painting. Raphael moved to Florence in 1504 to learn from Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo. He was considered a genus and mastered his painting at age 17 although he also became a very well know architect. His fine brush strokes and laying of paint give his paintings an almost three dimensional feel.
He died on his 37th birthday and buried in Rome. I think it very interesting that he signed his paintings RVSM, which stood for "Raphael Vrbinus Sua Mano" (Raphael of Urbino, His Hand).
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